Sunday, November 24, 2013


I opted to use the same display technique within my library as I did for the origanly PDFs, an external webpage.  It's just far easier to manage and it really helps reduce the rendering time and server load.

Nothing too fancy here.  Just the basic functionality and simple design. 
Organizing the media files is a chore.

Class #12: Step 9 - Reference


I decided to compress this addition to my Virtual Library by embedding all five PDFs to an external Webpage and then bringing the one page in.  I believe this will help with overall rendering and reducing server load. This is a very rough cut, and I simply used a blog entry.  I have better ideas for implementing this for the final product.

Adding the finishing touches on my "PDF Console."

Attempting to make my own webpage for the links in HTML.  Had problems with my host client, so this has been sidetracked for the time being.

Saving the articles that I was able to access as PDFs.

Attempting to organize all the documents we're dealing with for this final.

Class #12: Step 8 -Reference






More_Than_Just_Fun_and_Games-The_Longitudinal_Relationships_Between_Strategic_Video_Games_Self-Reported_Problem_Solving Skills_and_Academic_Grades


Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Using Video Games to Enhance Science Instruction



This depicts my visit to Amanda's virtual library.  The first and last screenshots were taken to give an overview of the layout.  The second and third screenshots show me testing how her webpages and videos were implemented.


This depicts my visit to Jeff's virtual library.  The first screenshot is of his "PDF Room."  The second shot is proof that his videos work.  The last two screenshots provide an overview of Jeff's unique layout..


This depicts my visit to Diana's virtual library.  The first two screenshots show the rendering process within her world.  It took a little longer than some of the other worlds.  The last two screenshots confirm that her videos and PDFs work as intended.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Final Project: Hands on with Meshmoon Lead Developer Jonne Nauha

While I was working on my Immersive Library yesterday I had a run in with Jonne Nauha, the lead Developer for Meshmoon.  He just dropped into my world after I made it public for the class.  He was pumped that we were using his program for our class.  He even wrote me the script for clickable images, as well as acknowledging that they had a long way to go with the build tools.  I don't know that we even require clickable images at this point, but it was cool to get stuff hands on.  The only disconnect is that he put the script directly into my Scene Storage.  I'm not totally sure how to make it work for everyone else.

Download the script here:
(You'll have to download it to your desktop and then upload to your scene storage within Rocket Client.)

Below are some shots of my interaction with him, some useful extracts, and the full transcript for anyone interested.

This shot shows some of the windows that he was talking me through regarding the script (see excerpt below)

Useful Extracts:

Enabling the Script for Clickable images...
[13:24:45] JonneNauha ok man
[13:24:48] open your storage
[13:24:59] AndrewLangone k
[13:25:06] JonneNauha go to script folder
[13:25:18] right click on my script and open in text editor
[13:25:40] AndrewLangone k
[13:25:49] JonneNauha i left comments in there so you understand whats going on
[13:25:57] AndrewLangone awesome thanks.
[13:26:05] JonneNauha i put it to the frame in front of me
[13:26:09] left mouse click on it
[13:26:16] you should get this notification on top
[13:26:23] click allow
[13:26:41] this is what you more or less wanted?
[13:27:05] now, you want to copy this same script to the other frames
[13:27:10] AndrewLangone yes totally
[13:27:16] JonneNauha hit shift+E
[13:27:29] you get entity component editor window
[13:27:34] AndrewLangone k
[13:27:46] JonneNauha now click on the frame in front
[13:28:05] mouse select the "Script" component
[13:28:10] AndrewLangone k i'm using the tattoo one
[13:28:25] JonneNauha yeah, but we need to copy the script component first
[13:28:29] and paste it to other frames
[13:28:36] AndrewLangone oh ok
[13:28:45] JonneNauha so click this one, righty click on "Script" -> Copy
[13:29:00] AndrewLangone k
[13:29:00] JonneNauha then click on your other frame and right click -> paste
[13:29:05] or you can use ctrl+c/v
[13:30:02] AndrewLangone ha oops
[13:30:05] it worked though
[13:30:06] JonneNauha seems to work
[13:30:08] yeh
[13:30:21] the user interface is kind of weird
[13:30:26] AndrewLangone the warning repeats until i cancel it
[13:30:30] JonneNauha but, we need user autorization
[13:30:43] AndrewLangone underestoof
[13:30:44] understood
[13:30:49] JonneNauha well it does not ignore duplicates right now :)
[13:30:52] if you click many times
[13:31:00] i will fix that for next release

Some more regarding script installation...
[13:33:13] AndrewLangone ok great
[13:33:16] thanks so much
[13:33:21] JonneNauha no problem :D
[13:33:28] one more thing
[13:33:40] you can download that script from storage
[13:33:43] right click -> download
[13:34:01] you can give it to other people, they can upload it also to their own storage
[13:34:14] and they need to manually create the EC_Script component
[13:34:19] setup it like you had it
[13:34:31] it gets a bit involved but i think this is good school assignment
[13:34:37] maybe you can tell you professor :)
[13:34:44] to make it homework or something
[13:34:52] how to setup a meshmoon script to a frame :)
[13:34:55] dunno
[13:34:57] AndrewLangone alright cool
[13:35:02] He'll go nuts over this
[13:35:09] JonneNauha heh
[13:35:12] AndrewLangone the fact that you helped me will be huge haha
[13:35:20] JonneNauha tell him too to contact me if anything comes up
[13:35:25] questions etc.
[13:35:26] AndrewLangone sure thing

Full Transcript:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Langone and Choloz are back in the game!  Mining some resources like a good little goblin, outfitting myself in some new gear, and laying waste to a bunch of plants to earn that leet XP.

Ding! Level 7

Blizzard is famous for their easter eggs!  I particularly enjoyed this Predator reference.  I got to THA CHOPPA!

Totally saved Thrall like a BOSS.  He turned me into a cyclone so I could smite my enemies with lightning!  Rode a rocket NBD and established a new basecamp which I parachuted into.  Airborne All the Way!  Brings back memories. 
Ding!  Level 8

Langone and his new minion Tangjuk have some big tasks ahead of them to earn this last level.  Kill a giant mechano-chicken, and a giant hammerhead shark for starters.  Then off to terrorize some Naga and kidnap their babies for ransom. All in a day's work.

Ding!  Level 9

Monday, November 18, 2013


Finished product of my first concept.  Since clickable images appears to be disabled by Meshmoon admins I opted for a different approach.  
Images representing aspects of my life are floating behind spheres that allow a user to access a relevant web page.

Another angle of my initial concept.

** _____  Work in Progress  _____ **

My biggest pet peeve with constructing primitives in Meshmoon was the lack of a rotate tool.

Class #11: Final Project Steps 1-4

Step 1:

Experimenting with basic shapes.  Moving, scaling, cloning.

Step 2:

Experimenting with layer management within Meshmoon.

Step 3:

Here I was able to link my blog to the cylinder shape.  A user would be able to access the blog from within the virtual space I created.

Step 4:

Adding an image was easy enough, but making it clickable to an external website was not apparent.

Here I was able to create a browser pop-up window that linked to my hosted picture.  It is only a 50% solution.


Source:  Immersive Education Libraries and Museums Technology Working Group (LAM.TWG)

Journal of Immersive Education (JiED)

          The Libraries and Museums Technology Working Group is made up of a group of professionals involved with the Immersive Education Initiative (iED).  This collaborative effort helps define and implement the applications and standards of use related to the library and museum services available through iED.  Membership is open to all members of the iED community, with preferential experience as follows:  real-world experience with libraries and museums, digital experience with libraries and museums, or experience with developing or using virtual worlds.
          Academic learning environments are constantly struggling to keep pace with technological advances.  In order to expand accessibility and maintain relevance to a rapidly growing, tech-savvy audience, Academia has to look beyond the physical constraints of traditional learning institutions.  The LAM TWG was created to develop and maintain technologies that allow library and museum services to transcend physical space and thrive in an online world.  This is accomplished by leveraging virtual and 3D technologies such as:  virtual/augmented reality, Voice over IP (VOIP), web cams, and digital media.
          LAM TWG strives to develop community best practices, standards, and technologies concerning library and museum services within iED.   Examples of how this is being implemented are illustrated through their Use Cases.  Immersive Education study rooms bring students and faculty together in a virtual, collaborative environment that allows presentation of materials and innovative learning experiences that would not be possible in a physical space.   Wider and more diverse audiences can benefit from the services LAM TWG provides.
          LAM TWG meets approximately twice per year in person and holds monthly teleconferences or virtual meetings.  All meeting are announced through the website and mailing list.  The proceedings of LAM TWG are considered confidential and are restricted to only members of the group.  Technical decisions and findings are produced and reviewed by experts and collaborators prior to being released to the general public.  For more information or to apply to an iED TWG please visit here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Ding! Level 6

Questing my way to Level 6.  I had to collect valuables and gold to buy my way onto the only escape ship before the dragon destroyed my home island.  My ship was then wrecked and I had to battle sharks while searching for survivors.

Ding! Level 5

Questing my way to level 5.  Locals are starting to panic because of a dragon that has been released nearby.  I had to secure stolen goods, then break into a bank to get my savings.  

Ding!  Level 4

Langone is back in action!  Completing quests to reach level 4!