Saturday, November 23, 2013

Final Project: Hands on with Meshmoon Lead Developer Jonne Nauha

While I was working on my Immersive Library yesterday I had a run in with Jonne Nauha, the lead Developer for Meshmoon.  He just dropped into my world after I made it public for the class.  He was pumped that we were using his program for our class.  He even wrote me the script for clickable images, as well as acknowledging that they had a long way to go with the build tools.  I don't know that we even require clickable images at this point, but it was cool to get stuff hands on.  The only disconnect is that he put the script directly into my Scene Storage.  I'm not totally sure how to make it work for everyone else.

Download the script here:
(You'll have to download it to your desktop and then upload to your scene storage within Rocket Client.)

Below are some shots of my interaction with him, some useful extracts, and the full transcript for anyone interested.

This shot shows some of the windows that he was talking me through regarding the script (see excerpt below)

Useful Extracts:

Enabling the Script for Clickable images...
[13:24:45] JonneNauha ok man
[13:24:48] open your storage
[13:24:59] AndrewLangone k
[13:25:06] JonneNauha go to script folder
[13:25:18] right click on my script and open in text editor
[13:25:40] AndrewLangone k
[13:25:49] JonneNauha i left comments in there so you understand whats going on
[13:25:57] AndrewLangone awesome thanks.
[13:26:05] JonneNauha i put it to the frame in front of me
[13:26:09] left mouse click on it
[13:26:16] you should get this notification on top
[13:26:23] click allow
[13:26:41] this is what you more or less wanted?
[13:27:05] now, you want to copy this same script to the other frames
[13:27:10] AndrewLangone yes totally
[13:27:16] JonneNauha hit shift+E
[13:27:29] you get entity component editor window
[13:27:34] AndrewLangone k
[13:27:46] JonneNauha now click on the frame in front
[13:28:05] mouse select the "Script" component
[13:28:10] AndrewLangone k i'm using the tattoo one
[13:28:25] JonneNauha yeah, but we need to copy the script component first
[13:28:29] and paste it to other frames
[13:28:36] AndrewLangone oh ok
[13:28:45] JonneNauha so click this one, righty click on "Script" -> Copy
[13:29:00] AndrewLangone k
[13:29:00] JonneNauha then click on your other frame and right click -> paste
[13:29:05] or you can use ctrl+c/v
[13:30:02] AndrewLangone ha oops
[13:30:05] it worked though
[13:30:06] JonneNauha seems to work
[13:30:08] yeh
[13:30:21] the user interface is kind of weird
[13:30:26] AndrewLangone the warning repeats until i cancel it
[13:30:30] JonneNauha but, we need user autorization
[13:30:43] AndrewLangone underestoof
[13:30:44] understood
[13:30:49] JonneNauha well it does not ignore duplicates right now :)
[13:30:52] if you click many times
[13:31:00] i will fix that for next release

Some more regarding script installation...
[13:33:13] AndrewLangone ok great
[13:33:16] thanks so much
[13:33:21] JonneNauha no problem :D
[13:33:28] one more thing
[13:33:40] you can download that script from storage
[13:33:43] right click -> download
[13:34:01] you can give it to other people, they can upload it also to their own storage
[13:34:14] and they need to manually create the EC_Script component
[13:34:19] setup it like you had it
[13:34:31] it gets a bit involved but i think this is good school assignment
[13:34:37] maybe you can tell you professor :)
[13:34:44] to make it homework or something
[13:34:52] how to setup a meshmoon script to a frame :)
[13:34:55] dunno
[13:34:57] AndrewLangone alright cool
[13:35:02] He'll go nuts over this
[13:35:09] JonneNauha heh
[13:35:12] AndrewLangone the fact that you helped me will be huge haha
[13:35:20] JonneNauha tell him too to contact me if anything comes up
[13:35:25] questions etc.
[13:35:26] AndrewLangone sure thing

Full Transcript:

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