Sunday, October 6, 2013

Class 5, Assignment 6: New to Google Sketchup

Standardizing the view so I can go along with the video

Using the rectangle tool and the push/pull tool

Orbit, Pan, and Zoom to navigate around my object
Applying what I learned in the first video to construct a house

After scrapping the first house, I have now begun to build a house using precision measurements.  I am also using the Offset tool to add more subtle detail to the house object.

Using a combination of the Offset tool and the Follow-me tool I was able to add trim to the roof and the base of the house.

The above image depicts the beginning of my exercise in constructing an indoor 3D space.  Two outer walls have been deleted so we can see inside the room.

Manually drawing windows using the offset and push/pull tools along with inferences to speed up the process.  The lower image show the end result of using the paint bucket tool to add color to my scene.

My finished room with a chair, two plants, and an IKEA lamp!
The humble beginnings of my 3D table.  Learning the difference between components and groups.

Adding some fancy details to the table using all the tricks I have learned so far.

The finished product!

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